Loan Procedures
There is no charge to borrow materials from Troy-Miami County Public Library, provided they are returned on time and in good condition.To check out items, you must present your library card or photo ID, or should know your library card number and pin. Any adult patron with no identification of their own may verbally verify personal information in order to check out library materials. A staff member may waive some or all required identification if the patron is well-known to them.
It is the card holder's responsibility to:
- Let staff know if your name, address or phone number changes
- Be financially responsible for materials borrowed with your card
- Monitor the materials your child selects and checks out
- Pay all charges for the late return, loss of, or damage to all materials borrowed with your card
- Report a lost/stolen card immediately
Reserve Materials
- Place the item on hold using the online catalog.
- When your item becomes available, you will receive a notification by email or telephone.
Loan Periods
1 Week Loan: Express items
3 Week Loan: all items except Express items
Renewing Items
Physical checked-out items will be automatically renewed up to five times unless:
- The item is reserved for another patron.
- The item has reached the maximum number of allowed renewals.
- The item is owned by a SearchOhio Consortium partner that does not offer the service.
- The patron's account has accrued $10.01 or more in fees.
- Digital content, including ebooks, cannot be renewed.
Returning Items
- Library materials may be returned to any Troy-Miami County Public Library location, any Dayton Metro Library location, or the Bradford Public Library.
- Use our 24-hour return box, located in Troy and Pleasant Hill. If your item is too large to fit into the book return, please bring it up to the circulation desk when the library is open. During open hours, an automated book return is available inside the building.
- Please do not return books to TMCPL that belong to a school library or a library other than those listed above. We cannot guarantee that these items will be returned to the lending library.
You will be billed for overdue items that are not returned.