Classroom Cards and Teacher Collections


Educators may request a collection of books be selected for them by the Outreach department or Youth Services Department at either location. The library staff enjoys helping teachers provide materials to enrich the learning experience of their students.

Teachers wishing to use the Library should return their completed application to any location, the bookmobile, or email it to Andrea Wackler for in-library use at Troy; Kell Hall for in-library use at Pleasant Hill; or Sarah Simon for bookmobile use.

  • Request may be made by phone, email, or in person.
  • Requests must be made 7 days in advance of the intended pick-up date. The pick- up date is established when making the request.
  • Educators may request to be notified by email only when the collection is ready.
  • Delivery of a collection by the bookmobile will be made when the bookmobile arrives at the location as regularly scheduled. All other educators may request to be notified by email or phone when the collection is ready. Delivery of a collection can be made to schools in Troy through the “school pony.”
  • The collection will no longer be available if not picked up seven days after the established pick-up date.
  • A collection may be returned to the bookmobile or the Library.
Attachment Size
Teacher Collection Request pdf 92.29 KB