Electronic Resources

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier

Full text business articles, research, and news updated daily from EBSCOhost. Read articles from popular and scholarly business periodicals. Research industries. Evaluate companies and their markets.  

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CareerOneStop is your source for employment information and inspiration. The place to manage your career. Your pathway to career success. Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses and career professionals.  Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.  

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Ohio Means Jobs

Ohio Means Jobs

Search thousands of jobs and plan your career. Build & post your resume and have it rated. Learn how to build a budget, manage money, and more. Find workforce skills programs. 

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Ohio.gov: Government Information & Services

The official government website of the State of Ohio. Find government services and information for residents, businesses, visitors, and state employees. Reach the website of any Ohio government agency.

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Reference Solutions (Formerly ReferenceUSA)

Reference Solutions (Formerly ReferenceUSA)

Reference Solutions offers instant access to comprehensive business and consumer listings. A detailed business listing contains a list of executives, financial information, public filings and even news articles. Great for small-business owners, job hunters, and marketing or investment researchers. Access is free with your valid library card.

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Regional Business News | EBSCOhost

Regional Business News

Full text for articles from over 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires, covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States, from EBSCOhost. Research regional business conditions around the country.

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Small Business Source

Small Business Source

This database provides the everyday user with the necessary tools and detailed topics, including:“how-to” instructions to independently address a wide range of small business topics, including: • Starting, selling and growing your business • Managing employees • Writing a business plan • Understanding legal information • Marketing a business • And much more...

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