Home Page

The inside of the library, showing rows of shelving with books and work tables
S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) at the library!
See information about tax resources at the library.
Visit us on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We are seeking donations to grow our popular Japanese Book Collection.

TMCPL Participates in "Snapshot Day: A Day in the Life of Ohio Libraries"

The Troy, Pleasant Hill, and Local History libraries--along with the bookmobile--participated in "Snapshot Day: A Day in the Life of Ohio Libraries" to capture information about how important libraries are to the state of Ohio. Photos taken represent a typical day at the library. The pictures have been added to those of other libraries across the state.  Please take a look at a typical day for Troy-Miami County Public Library and visit Flickr to see what other libraries do during a typical day.

Famous Children's Illustrators to Visit Library

Don't miss Jeanette and Christopher Canyon at 1 p.m. Friday, August 2. This husband-wife duo have created beautiful illustrations for picture books for years! The Canyons promote the joys of reading, literature, and the arts. They will inspire and nurture as they share their creativity. This FREE program is for all ages. An ice cream social will be held following the visit with the Canyons. For more information about the Canyons, visit their website.

"My Account"

Some people who log into their account using the "My Account" link may be directed to a page with a Dayton Metro Library banner and DML information. Even though you are on a DML page, you should still be able to search for books, request books, and renew materials. Dayton is working to correct the issue. Thank you for your patience!

Story Time Sign Ups Going on Now

Sign your child up for our winter session of storytimes. Sessions begin Jan. 20.

Baby & Me Laptime is held on Wednesdays at 9:30 or 10:30 a.m. for ages birth to 2 years.

Toddler & Me storytimes are held Mondays at 10 or 11:30, Tuesdays at 10 or 11:30 a.m., or Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. for ages 2-3.

Preschool storytimes are held Tuesdays at 10 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. for ages 4-5.

Call 339-0502 to sign up you child or for more information.


Pizza and Pals- Fundraiser for Miami County Imagination Library

Tickets are now available for Pizza and Pals, a fundraiser to benefit the Miami County Affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. The event will be held Saturday, March 11 from 11:30 to 1 p.m. at Concord Elementary School, 3145 W. St. Rt. 718, Troy. Children will be able to interact with costumed characters including Pete the Cat, Elephant & Piggie, Ladybug Girl and Llama, Llama. This luncheon will delight children of all ages and photo opportunities with the characters will be available.

If you are in interested in purchasing tickets you may do so by visiting Troy-Miami County Public Library, 419 W. Main St. in Troy or call 339-0502 ext.121 for more information. Tickets are $10 per person and will be available for presale purchase only. Tickets will not be sold at the event and everyone must have a ticket to enter.  Pizza and a drink will be provided to each ticket holder

The Results Are In! Imagination Library is a Success!

This fall, Troy-Miami County Public Library surveyed parents of children enrolled in Imagination Library. The responses were overwhelming and re-affirm the positive outcomes of this program. This is what parents have to say about Imagination Library in Miami County. 

Since joining Imagination Library:

·  98 % say their child is more interested in reading

·  90 % say they spend more quality time together as a family

·  96 % say they feel their child will be more prepared for school

·  53 % read to their child more than 1 time/day, a 27 % increase

What Parents are Saying:

· “I know for me, I didn't like to read. She seems to enjoy it, and I'm hoping it sticks with her. Reading was my worst subject growing up, so I'm trying to make sure it's not hers too!”